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- Puzzle 03
Aesop's short stories with a lesson
Australian Apprentice host, Mark __
Bluespotted __tail ray has blue tail stripes
Bushranger Captain Thunderbolt is buried at __
Can move 3 spaces in chess, not in same direction
Cards laid by players, with the highest the winner
Cards suit chosen so as to beat all the others
City state on the French Riviera
__ dance, 4 couples in a rectangular shape
Long, narrow mark, band, line
__ operation, military plan carried out in secret
People collect these envelope stickers
Piles of them fall from trees in the fall
__ pork, slowly cooked, later shredded
__ right of kings: monarch's authority from God
Sank a ball on a golf green
Tale As Old As Time, from __ and the Beast
They will escort you to the seat in a theatre
To eat a lot in short period of time
Tropical pear-shaped fruits full of antioxidants