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- Puzzle 02
Babysitter from a different country
Capital city of New South Wales
Child view __, reflector to see kids in car
Company's items of value: buildings, equipment
Damage of any kind to the body
Guard on a car used to protect the front or rear
Insect with large pincers found on many continents
Label given to gritty 90's Seattle music
Labradoodle is a cross between a labrador and a __
Make sacred by applying oil in a ceremony
Regardless, in any case, nonetheless
Residence of a king or queen
Sir Joh __-Petersen, former Queensland premier
Spongy scrubber used to clean your body
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and __
This government style lasted 1,500 years in Rome
Twenty plus fifteen minus twenty four
__ Woman and her golden lasso
Wood and graphite to write with
Yearly, occurring once a year only