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Adverb meaning in strict sense commonly misused
Cue and balls game similar to pool and snooker
English cricketer famous for long-distance walks
Ferry firm, crossing the Solent
First to fly non-stop solo across the Atlantic
Highest executive position in the United States
Jazz saxophonist married to Dame Cleo Laine
Long green salad veggies; really a fruit
Mass of snow that falls rapidly down a mountain
Murderous Clown in Stephen King's novel It
Only living members of the genus Struthio
Plato's most famous pupil
Protective outer layer of the skin
Rubbing muscles as a form of relaxation
Screen to keep children away from home heat source
The __, David Bowie song recorded in 1972
Three, four, knock __; nursery rhyme line
To check; fix the measurement of a tool