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- Puzzle 02
Another name for the universe as a whole
Club for the greens in golf
Flies without power, on thermals in the air
__ Girl, exotic beauty for Elton John
Large heavy artillery that fires stone balls
Little Miss Muffet's seat
Marlon __, renowned US actor and Oscar winner
Off the __ track, destination for adventurers
Outdoor meal often eaten on the grass, at a park
People write lots of these at school
Percussion instrument, produces sound when shaken
Plan or outline to be done
Pleasure voyage on a ship
Sassy elderly "girls" sitcom starring Betty White
Stitch used to hold tissue together in the body
Sunday __ Sunday, U2 track about The Troubles
Taking a photo of oneself
The type of skin "baby Bunting" is wrapped in
Young man who died when flying towards the Sun