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- Puzzle 03
An alkaline potassium compound used in gardening
Crystal mineral, 2nd most popular on earth
Everybody was __ fighting; Chinese martial art
German who initiated the romantic literature
Harmful, evil or damaging
Material made from animal skin to write on
Not a veteran, often blamed for mistakes
Old Testament strongman with long hair
Position of the anchor just above the sea floor
Singer Morrissey was lead for rock band The __
Soaked up the sun, skin turned a shade darker
Socrates student, understanding the good
__ Söze, Usual Suspects con artist
Sporting fish with long, pointy nose
__ Talkie, two way radio, 80s toy essential
The Fourth __ stands for the media at large
To soak up liquid, sponge or towel
Water that reached 100 °C or 212 °F, at sea level