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A __ machine binds fabrics together
A professional clown, joker, in medieval courts
All __ Day, post-Halloween holiday aka All Hallows
__ arrangements is art with flowers
Condition of someone's body or mind
Country colonized by the Portuguese in S. America
Current, up to date, contemporary
Designed Charlene's gown when she wed in Monaco
Food can only be tasted with this
__ games are on demand games
Hair style with "party in the back"
__ Higgenbottom is the Mighty B
__ horns have a long coiled tube and big bell
Kitchen scissors typically used on poultry
Metal element used in rechargeable batteries
Mexican beer often spiked with a lime wedge
Name for a ghost in Scottish
__ Plow, implement with large hooks, deep tillage
Round table wedding gift recipient: King __
__ Scissorhands starred Johnny Depp
Stereotype, overused phrase, expression
This Hugh played Dr. House
Unidentified __ Object, aka UFO