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Astrologer; a fish that lives and hides in warm seas
Beach vehicle with wheels and sails used for sport
Brideshead __, Waugh's portrayal of the Flytes
Clergyman's house provided by the church
Dancing flowers in "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"
Discipline which explores celestial bodies
Electrical discharge during a thunderstorm
Extremely crowded, full to bursting point
Flat, cold weather footwear to aid in walking
James Bond film named after Ian Fleming's estate
Losing 1964 Presidential candidate: Barry __
Precipitous part of a high steep rock face
Round, beige legumes used to make hummus
She accompanied the Lewis and Clark Expedition
Tech company that brought us Windows
Technology that lets 2 devices connect wirelessly
To cut a __ short; get to the point
US trophy for excellence in the TV industry